The Akreos MICs® IOL haptic design provides four points of exceptional contact with the capsular bag for excellent stability1. In a 2010 independent study, it was observed in patients that the mean rotation between the first day postoperatively and 120 to 180 days was 1.93 ± 2.33 degrees, with 96% of IOLs rotating fewer than 5 degrees and 99% rotating fewer than 10 degrees.1
The Akreos MICs® IOL has a square-edge design.1 Square-edge designs have been shown to have the potential benefit of preventing PCO (posterior capsular opacification) compared to round-edge designs.2
The eye is not a perfect optical system, due to its visual axis not passing through the center of the cornea, pupil, or lens.1 The pseudophakic eye is naturally decentered with mean pupil displacement measuring 0.37 ± 0.24 mm.2
Clinical studies demonstrate that IOL decentration is omnipresent in cataract surgery, with mean decentration from 0.24-0.53 mm.3-5
The decentration of an IOL with either positive or negative spherical aberration can induce defocus, astigmatism, and coma.
The Akreos MICs® monofocal IOL was designed to compensate for the eye’s natural imperfections and deliver outstanding visual outcomes to a wide range of patients.
The AO Advanced Optic is an equi-biconvex, aberration-free design. This design has been shown in other IOLs to minimize reflected light compared to an unequal biconvex design.1
In an independent study, the advanced optic utilized by the Akreos MICs® IOL provided patients quality contrast sensitivity and less negative dyphotopsia post-op results compared to a standard hydrophobic acrylic IOL.2
The Akreos MICs® IOL is manufactured to allow for an incision size as small as 1.8mm.1
The VIS100 delivery system for Akreos MICs® IOL utilizes a disposable push-type inserter for single-hand delivery, allowing for 1.8 – 2.4 mm incision sizes.1
The Akreos MICs® IOL is an aspheric, hydrophilic, aberration-free optic constructed of flexible material for micro-incision cataract surgery.1 One family. Two designs. Three sizes. Four-point haptic design.2
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